
Showing posts from August, 2010

Not a Zen Moment

I am writing part of this entry while riding the train home. In my lap is the book "Ryoju - The Hunting Gun" by Yasushi Inoue. I am unable to zone in and concentrate on my reading. There are too many distractions which are disturbing my peace. Clearly I am unable to meditate and ignore the happenings around me. I have work to do with my self. There are many times in my daily life that I think back to my trip to Japan in the autumn of 2008 . This is one of them. Specifically I am remembering how lovely it was to ride the train in Tokyo. I was struck by the silence. Standing on the platform looking in at the car one could have imagined that it would be a painful ride. People were packed into a sardine can only able to stay standing during the ebb and flow of the ride due to the fact that they were supported by their fellow commuter standing centimetres away. One might also imagine that so many people would create a cacophony of various noises in addition to a stin

Time Management

In " Avoiding the Blues " I touch upon the importance of time management. It is a skill that is becoming more and more important to master as more and more items become so readily able to take a slice of our fixed twenty-four hour day. It is too easy to let our days slip by without much of a thought to what the real important things, to ourselves, are. I am now back in the ranks of the employed. So far it has been great. I am enjoying learning new products, new businesses, new processes, new organizations and working with new people. It is all very exciting. I can, however, see how my time is being eaten away. An example is this blog. Writing continues to be something I like doing yet, unfortunately, it is something that I am finding I am not doing much of. The last time I posted this blog was July 18 - close to one month ago. Time management is important. One needs to keep his priorities straight and ensure that the day-to-day does not rearrange them. As wit