
Showing posts from August, 2011

Bring Back Small

Small is slowly disappearing. In our rich world small really does get a bad wrap. Oh, to be small. Tall, grande, large, even medium is better than small. Anything but small. Today this was proven yet again. I read this morning that Tim Horton's, a doughnut chain in Canada, had decided to eliminate the small-sized drinks serving and replace them with the medium-sized. So I guess that in theory small still just got bigger. It's been sometime since I wrote in my blog but this story has given me the itch again. Consumption is king in our society and "more for less" is seemingly the law that guides consumer spending and thus the actions of corporations who seem to just blindly accept this law. I believe I have already written about the pizza ordering episode I once had to endure. I simply wanted to order a medium pizza for delivery. I was told by the nice girl on the other end that I should rather get the special which not only gave me a second pizz