
Showing posts from February, 2016

Thoughts on Measuring Time

I have just read Bill and Melinda Gates 2016 Annual Letter .  They talk about how time and energy are two of the more important topics which need to be tackled to help save lives and make the world a more equitable place.  I recommend you read it. After reading the letter I had a thought which has come to me multiple times over the years.  The relationship between advancements in technology and the time these advancements give us via the efficiencies they bring.  To sum up Bill and Melinda's letter very crudely I can say it is about making reliable, low cost energy available to more people so that they can take advantage of technological advances which minimize certain tasks and which permit a lengthening of the productive day and thus giving their users time. Of course this is completely true.  Energy allows pumps to work which allow water to flow closer to homes therefore reducing or eliminating the need to walk to water sources and carry it back.  The ability to cook with en

iPhone Too Good? A Lesson.

I have just finished reading an article on  which makes a link between declining sales and the quality of the iPhone.   Apple is taking a hit not only on Wall Street but also in the press.  Reports of Apple company valuation, of lack of new products, lack of innovation and maturing are the latest rage.  The company has also been blamed over the years for purposely obsoleting its products and forcing people to upgrade. All of these arguments I think highlight the fundamental problem with our economy.  It is so overwhelmingly controlled by investors and the business news who consistently value profit growth over quality.  Listening to Wall Street the best thing for Apple would be for all of its customers to upgrade their phones every year.  This would drive revenue, profits and would be music to the ears of those analysts.  Ka-ching! Building a quality product that consumers want to keep and - crazy talk! - repair rather than throw out is the last thing that a single-minde