
Showing posts from September, 2010

Nothing Here?

The idea for this entry came during my walk to the train station this morning. Near the railroad tracks there are two single-family homes surrounded by apartment buildings and town homes. These houses just don't fit in and look very much misplaced. I started imagining that they must have been built when the area looked a little different. Rather than apartment building or town homes there might have been fields. I caught myself saying that they must have been built when there was "nothing here". I immediately realized that I might have made a mistake. Not in saying that the houses might have been built when there were only fields around them but in saying there was "nothing here". The statement implies that today there is something here. That somehow there is more today than there was back then - whenever "then" happened to be. I indeed made an error. Yes there may be more human beings living in this place today than there were in the p