The Kids Still Have Not Grown Up

More examples of the hunger for power and the resulting short-sightedness today.  This time it has taken the form of my beloved (please add extreme sarcasm to that last word) politicians.  We had an election recently in Canada and the Conservatives were re-elected to power with a minority position however, and therefore, with little change from the previous government.

Yesterday this government presented their fiscal update.

The Canadian economy, and the world's, is in deep crap.  The deepest and stinkiest that it has been in for seventy years according to many commentators (though I don't see a 1930s depression happening).  So the government took the right step in scheduling a fiscal update.  I am not going to debate what should or should not have been in the update.  What I am going to make clear is that the reaction of the opposition parties (and in turn the charade that it has set off between the various parties) is again reminiscent of kindergarten schoolyard behaviour that they all seem so good at.

Gosh I wish I had a stick I could use.  I wish I could be the supervision aid overseeing the schoolyard and put them all in detention.  They'd have to right lines.  One hundred times on the blackboard: "We will all play nicely together and work to solve our problems."

The pressing issue that our elected officials need to address (NOW!) is the economy.  Instead we are stuck in this gamesmanship and positioning.  There is even talk of the minority government falling, possible elections or a coalition between various opposition parties.  What a colossal waste of time and money this would all be, at a time when we clearly have little money to go around and little time.

Please.  GET ON WITH GOVERNING.  Address the issues.  You will have disagreements (the best families do) but resolve them.  Every time there is a disagreement you do not see families calling for divorce and disownership of siblings, children etc.  They get on with life.  GET ON WITH IT.

If there is in fact an election I will try my hardest to get a message out that the citizens of Canada should send a clear message to all the parties - by NOT voting.  The lowest voter turnout in world history - 0%.  We'd let the politicians campaign.  Sweat.  Fight for our votes and then they would not get one.  Would that send a message that our politicians are failing us?  A boycott of the electoral process in Canada.

When I don't like a company's products - I buy from their competitors.
When I don't like an entire class of products - I don't buy them from anybody.
Let's stop supporting this behaviour by stopping to buy the product our politicans are delivering.  It stinks.  It really does.

Let me know what you think about what you have just read. Please and thanks!


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