Demand Change Canada

The antics of Canada's leaders are reminding me of a book entitled "Lord of the Flies" written by William Golding.  Our political leaders are considering themselves and their own success rather than that of the greater good, that of the country of Canada.  They are ALL to be blamed for this distraction and for the dead-end that we seemed to have reached -  Conservative, Liberal, NDP and Bloc Quebecois.

I listened to about fifteen minutes of Question Period yesterday and was not surprised by the behaviour I saw.  There was nothing cordial about it.  There was nothing professional about it.  There were not any constructive comments made.  They accused each other of lying and of gamesmanship (all true, by the way, from an observer's perspective).  It reminded me of a bunch of drunken and very emotional sports fans, faces painted in their team's colours, wanting to destroy their opponents.

So now the propaganda machines kick in with attack ads on radio and television.  With rallies across the country.  All to spread more lies and not meant to spread a word of concrete, positive messages that will move us ahead, towards a solution.  Instead they are going to try to appeal to the masses of Canada by emotion.

So as a result I now have to turn my attention to the masses by blaming the ordinary Canadian.  For listening to and letting themselves be influenced by the lies and the gamesmanship.  For not seeing through it all.  I have spoken on this blog about the dumbing down of America.  I can tell you that by lapping this junk up, by voting for these leaders, by supporting these parties (and volunteering for them) we Canadians are not showing much intelligence at all.

It is time for Canadians to stop accepting these games as a normal part of the political process.  It is time for some change in Canada.  We need to demand constructive debate.  We need to demand that leaders act responsibly and with civility.  We need to demand that our leaders will work together and put aside differences.  We need to demand compromise.  We need to demand that our leaders begin acting like adults.  We need to demand that our leaders will not let themselves be influenced by the traditions of their parties.  We need leaders that are courageous enough to act responsibly.

Canadians, we need to start demanding change and to stop accepting the status quo.

Let me know what you think about what you have just read. Please and thanks!


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