Relax and Break the Glass

A few days ago my son wondered why there was a glass window over the fire extinguisher in the underground garage in our building.

Here is the scenario.  Your car is burning (or maybe someone else's as that might make you a little more relaxed).  You start thinking about all the movies you have seen where people escape within a second of the car blowing up and wonder whether you might be so lucky.  Quick, you need to put the freaking fire out so that it doesn't blow!  You can't really recall where the extinguisher is but you know there is one somewhere in the parkade.   There it the far corner near the exit.  You run over.  Crap...I need to break the glass?!?!  What the .....  You grab hold of that minuscule metal tool hanging and you give it a bang.  Not hard enough.  You are afraid that you might cut your hands on the glass.  A bit harder.  Still no breakage but a slight ding.  Finally, you lose you patience and give it a whack.  It breaks.  Out comes the extinguisher and you rush back.  Luckily its pressure is still OK and you manage to douse the fire....just before the Hollywood scene you imagined.

Phew.  Seconds count when there is a fire so relax, use your strength and break the glass.

Let me know what you think about what you have just read. Please and thanks!


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