A McDramatization

I have often commented on my blog about how worried society has become. Our creativity often needs to be explained or, even worse, stunted by a society that seems to fear people that stand out or the wrath of someone's legal team. These thoughts have again popped into my head as I watched an advert for McDonald's restaurants.

The ad is one that I've seen quite a few times over the last nine days or so. You see, McDonald's is advertising heavily during World Cup broadcasts.

The viewer sees a bunch of twenty-somethings sitting around a campground munching on their burgers, shakes and fries. A massive bear comes strolling into the middle of their site and the campers all remain cool as cucumbers. Still biting down on their food they turn their heads and calmly look at the bear doing its thing. Not worried for a second that their lives are in danger they continue to enjoy the junk.

How is this all related to worries and lawyers? Well, if you look closely at the bottom left of the screen while the ad is running you'll see minute white letters pop up. They state that the scene is a "dramatization".

Well thank goodness they told me that! I guess I will not try this at home and, the next time a bear walks through my campground while I am eating some junk food, I'll make sure to take evasive action of some sort.

Maybe the more relevant dramatization is not so much that the bear is walking through a campground but that, rather, people are actually eating McDonald's while camping. Now THAT is a stretch for sure and nobody should be caught doing it.

I'm lovin' it.

Let me know what you think about what you have just read. Please and thanks!


Sleepwalker said…
You hit it right on the head! I was thinking the McJunk was out of place, not the bear.

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