Dandy Weed

The good old dandelion has been on my mind over the last few weeks.  The different ways that we treat this particular flowering plant are at odds with one another.

On the one hand I have spent hours pulling them out of my lawn.  I have even gone to Canadian Tire (a chain of hardware stores here in Canada) to buy a tool specifically designed to yank them - twice!   (The first one I bought broke after two dandelion-pulls.)  My wife has sprayed white vinegar on our patio tiles to ensure that they die and stop popping up in the cracks between the concrete tiles.

The dandelion fight is a never ending battle and new yellow flowers are continuously popping up.  According to some, lawns have become uglier over recent years as people have struggled to keep the nasty plant out of their lawns due to the banning of those convenient herbicides (with good reason I must say).

On the other hand, driving in the country-side, I have often found them beautiful.  Fields, when completely blanketed with the yellow dandelion flower, look spectacular.  It reminds me of the fields of flowering canola in the prairies.

Why is it that this particular plant has been lumped into the weed category as opposed to the more acceptable wild flower category?  People buy bags of mixed wild flower seeds and spray them on their lawns looking forward to seeing which colours will grace their lawns in the spring.

On yet another hand we go out and buy dandelion greens at the grocers.  We pay good money for a plant that many of us have in our gardens or, rather, lawns.  According to Wikipedia they have a host of amazing dietary properties.  An industry has arisen to grow them and make those leaves as wide and green as possible.  In fact, I would not be surprised if fertilizers and other chemicals are thrown on the crops of dandelions that are sold in supermarkets.

If I let them grow in my yard I am convinced some neighbours would be upset.  If I planted them in my veggie garden many of the same folk might find me wise.

Just dandy.

Let me know what you think about what you have just read. Please and thanks!


Sleepwalker said…
Planting them in your veggie garden: what a radical thought! Every year, Kemptville hosts a dandelion festival where the "weed" is celebrated through dances, jams (the kind you eat and the kind you listen to), etc. If you can't beat 'em, dress up like 'em.
alcino said…
Pulling out dandelions from your lawn does not make any sense, forget about your neighbours!... if they do not like dandelions it's their problem not yours! the fact of the matter is that they do not have any vision and do not have any idea of what beauty means, they were brainwashed when they grew up and they never used, use or will use their brains, that's the sad reality. We live in an artificial world, surrounded by domesticated plants (such as lawns), domesticated animals (such as pets) and so on... Unfortunatly we have to move out of the cities and their suburbs to see and enjoy the beauty of the Wildlife. We just came back from Stowe VT and like you, we also enjoyed the beauty of the Wildlife, we walked for hours in the country-side and we saw fields of grass colored with the nice yellow flowers of those "ugly" dandelions and birds flying over, it was Mother Nature at its best. Let's never fight Nature, on the contrary let's join Her, because ultimately we are the loosers! Well,wishful thinking...

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