The Rules

Listening to The Tragically Hip's Phantom Power album this morning.  Sitting at home.  Contemplating life.
Guaranteed or not,
It's the rules
We certainly have a lot of rules imposed on us by various organizations and, more generally, society.  You can't go faster than 50 km/h.  You have to pass on the left.  Stay in your lane (you've read this all before, I know).  In my earlier post I stated that organizations are trying to help us by creating all these rules and signs.  Forcing us into a certain pattern of action and thought so that the machine and all it's complicated parts work smoothly.  Mechanically.  The machine being the earth and the guts of it being the orderly conduct of humans in it.  But by doing this creativity is squashed.  Comply.  Be the same.  Obey.  Do what you want in your home (well, not really) but when you enter the machine, behave.
Unfortunately the home is no sanctuary from rules.  Sit up.  Hands on the table please.  Clean up your room.  Turn down the music.  This time families are the organization, parents are the rule makers and children are the rule breakers.  Comply.  Be the same.  Do whatever you want when you are out of this house, but so long as you are living here you will behave.
Causing stress.  Conflict between our inner most desires and compliance with the rules.  Whether you are six, eight, thirty-nine, forty, sixty-nine or seventy-two.
Guaranteed or not,
It's the rules
Well.....I think the world is made less interesting by squashing individuality.  Break the rules.
Isn't it amazing what you can accomplish
(When the little sensation gets in your way)
When you don't let the nation get in your way
No ambition whispering over you shoulder
Isn't it amazing you can do anything
So again, do not let others tell you how you should feel, how to behave.  Don't let the organization get in your way.  Let your true self come out.  Be in touch with the sensation of the moment.  Express it.  You might piss some people off but you'll be comfortable with it if you are authentic.  If you are not, stress will build up as you try and alter your behaviour to comply.  Not worth it.  We are here only for a relative second -  make it last eighty "years".


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