Melting Away

I read two articles today that further highlight the dramatic changes our planet is undergoing as a result of human activity; its short-sightedness and its narrow thinking.  Both articles spoke about ice sheets in the north.  One, in The Economist, spoke about the ever shrinking Arctic Ocean ice and the other from The Canadian Press spoke about Greenland's ice.

The former leads directly to global warming as less ice means less snow reflecting solar energy way from the planet; water absorbs the energy as it is darker.  The latter also leads to less reflected energy and also to rising sea levels.

We need to get on with it.  Take these steps and start making a difference.
1) buy CFC lights
2) buy a smaller car with more fuel efficient engines (you don't need an SUV to drop the kids off at ballet)
3) buy a smaller house (you don't need 3000 sq. feet), closer to the city
4) take a shorter shower
5) wash your clothes in cold water
6) walk, bike, take transit
7) use a push mower and scissors not a gas powered mower or a weed whacker
8) turn lights off
9) buy the most energy efficient appliances you can afford
10) say no to junk mail (Red Dot Campaign)
11) don't have water delivered to your house
12) buy food and products that were grown and manufactured as close to your home as is possible.
13) avoid giving gifts that have no meaning and that will likely be thrown away
14) insulate your hot water pipes
15) don't have the windows open and the air conditioning on
16) don't have the windows open and the heating on
17) don't turn on a gas fireplace just for the look of it.
and on and on

WAKE UP.  It is easy and it will not compromise your luxurious, excessive and unsustainable first world lifestyle.  I look around and know we can make a difference and turn this around....but everyone needs to believe they can.  Everyone needs to understand the issue and the consequences of their actions, no matter how small they might feel.



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