Whatever it Takes to Win - The Canadian Election

And they are off!  Sunday the Prime Minster of Canada visited the grand home of the Governor General of Canada.  The PM, Stephen Harper, advised the GG, Michaëlle Jean, to dissolve Parliament.  She obliged.  Apparently the current mix of elected politicians in the House of Parliament could no longer govern our country in its best interest and it was therefore better to have the people of the country elect a new government.

And so they are off on Canada's version of an electoral campaign.  It all ends on October 14.  Between now and then I am sorry to say that I doubt we will hear very little concrete, heartfelt and genuine words of where this country should go.  Rather it will all be about positioning, about promises, about trying to shape the party platform in such a way that the most votes can by garnered on election day.  What we will hear is Stephane (Dion, the Liberal leader) calling Stephen (Harper, the Conservative leader) a liar and vice versa.  How one is incompetent and the other so much more able.  How my way to solve the problem is better than yours, etc.  How by getting "x" amount of seats one party will be able to block another.

After the last Canadian election in January of 2006 I was disgusted by the lack of trustworthiness our elected officials have.  Stephen had been elected Prime Minister (albeit with a minority) and immediately did three things which amazed me.

1) He named an individual to the cabinet, Michael Fortier, that had not been elected
2) He allowed a just elected Liberal member of parliament, David Emerson, to switch parties and become a Conservative.
3) There was third item which I can't remember but which only added to my dismay

Now, in 2008, he again has shown lack of trust by breaking his own promise to hold elections on fixed dates...specifically the third Monday in October on the fourth year after the last election.  This would have meant the third Monday of October 2010.  But no, an opportunity to win was sensed and an election will be held thirty-three months after the last.

I hope one of these leaders will inspire me this year.  To do that they'll need to stop bashing their opponents and rather, offer positive comments and real alternatives.  These alternatives will need to be concrete and believable.

To sum up, no more kindergarten or elementary school behaviour.


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