Canadian Election - More Proof

More proof that politicians love bashing their opponents.  Love expending energy on useless negative words rather than taking the time to sound intelligent and positive.  I realize that politicians need to cater to the masses and that the citizens of Canada, the intended consumers of this noise generation, drink this junk up.  So who fixes the problem first....the politicians change their behaviour?  Or should citizens start rebelling against this childish behaviour?  Looks like both sides are content with letting this go on and on and on and on.  Year after year after year.

Example 1:
Earlier this week the ruling Conservatives had a clip on their website showing a puffin (a bird) dropping excrement on Stephane Dion's (Liberal Leader) shoulder.  Pretty positive stuff.  Definitely tells me what the Conservatives thoughts on Canada are.

Example 2:
Somehow I got on the email list of the Liberal MP in my riding.  She sent a note out this week stating:
Please be advised that The Green Shift Townhall.....has been cancelled.  Due to the fact that Prime Minister Harper broke his promise to obey a fixed election date he himself implemented, we are not permitted to hold a pre-planned MP event during an election campaign.  My apologies.....
It would have been much better to drop the "Prime Minister is to blame" part and leave it at Election Canada rules do not allow such an event during an election campaign.  Nope, better to take a poke and bash someone.  Get on topic will you.  The topic is the Liberal Green Shift plan.  Stick to that in your message.

I am sure there will be countless more examples.


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